Stripper Ammoniated Floor 5L

Stripper Ammoniated Floor 5L

  • Stripper ammoniated floor is an ammoniated floor stripper with good wetting penetration properties/refers to technical data sheet for use thereof.
  • Directions for use :
  • Use very HOT water.
  • Spread the stripper ammonia on the floor with a mop.
  • Scrub thoroughly before re-sealing.
  • Stripper Ammonia is EXCLUSIVELY for stripping.
  • DO NOT use on painted surfaces.
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  • Stripper ammoniated floor is an ammoniated floor stripper with good wetting penetration properties/refers to technical data sheet for use thereof.
  • Directions for use :
  • Use very HOT water.
  • Spread the stripper ammonia on the floor with a mop.
  • Scrub thoroughly before re-sealing.
  • Stripper Ammonia is EXCLUSIVELY for stripping.
  • DO NOT use on painted surfaces.
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